Hello everyone,
I'm really excited to be starting a new school year with all of our new Year 4 children! We've had a really great first week back and although the children have only been in school since Wednesday, they are all settled, happy to be with their friends, and used to the daily routines of school life again. We've taken our time to get to know each other this week. The children have shown their creative side by designing a puzzle piece to reflect who they are and show how we all fit together in Ash Class, and by painting a self-portrait in a colour theme (photos next week!) Some general information: - In Year 4, there is an expectation that children are reading everyday for at least 10 minutes. This doesn't have to be their colour-banded reading book, it could be another book from home, a magazine or even a recipe. We will be giving out reading record books soon but until then, just enjoy the daily reading. - Later in the year, children will sit the Year 4 Multiplication Check. As such, it is vital that they are learning and practising their times tables. They are expected to know all times tables up to 12x12 by the end of Year 4. Please try to log onto Times Table Rockstar daily to practise these, and if you need reminding of log in details then let me know. - Every Friday, I will issue spellings and homework (this might be a reading task or a topic-related activity) which will be due the following Thursday. This will start next week. - Our PE session with Mr Berry (SAINTS coach) will be every Thursday morning. Please could children come to school dressed in their PE kit ready to go. As it gets colder, they might want to bring a warm jumper or tracksuit bottoms to keep warm. - If your child is being collected by someone else or is absent, please let the office know as soon as possible. They will ensure the message gets to me. I think that's all for now! Next week we will get going with our topics: Place Value in Maths, Meerkat Mail in English, States of Matter in Science, The Romans in History and plenty more. Have a great weekend, Miss Radbourne Comments are closed.
July 2024
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