Happy Friday!
What a week, poetry, Multiplication and dreams! This week, we have been working on Multiplication and Division in Maths, in English, we have been working on our new text Farther, which explores dreams and relationships. In Science, we looked at how igneous rocks are formed, whilst on Tuesday and Thursday, we enjoyed energetic P.E. sessions, thinking about tactics and teamwork. We also enjoyed an exciting assembly on Thursday with Mr Cutler, thinking about Advent. On Wednesday, we had a day with no pens, enjoying story telling and oracy, practical Maths, theological discussion and Christmassy music on the hand bells. We have also created some fantastic botanical art and written some superb poems based on our Book Club book The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander (see photos) Next week, we are continuing our English text Farther, our Maths unit on Multiplication and Division; our Geography unit on Rivers and our Science unit on the Rock Cycle. In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum, I have set them 25 minutes worth of TTRS time as home learning. This can be done as a block, or it can be spread across the week, so that the children do 5 minutes a day. I have been really pleased to give out lots of Dojo points to people who have been completing their time! Spellings are out for the test on Friday. There is also a Wider Curriculum home learning sheet, on Dojo, here on the web page and the children have already brought a paper copy home with them. There are various activities on this, I will expect the recommended read sheet back ASAP and one of the other activities (more if you want to) completed by Thursday 14th December. So far, I have had fantastic volcanoes videos and experiments and some super river work. Due to the Christmas Fair and technical issues, I was unable to post last week so I have included a few photos of the children enjoying biscuit tasting and making. There are a few events upcoming including the Nativity on Wednesday and Friday next week, Christingle on 7th December at 2pm in St Peter's Church, Christmas, Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 13th. There is also a Carol sing along in the school hall on Thursday 14th at 2.30pm - all welcome, we will have Christmas events for the children on Friday 15th for the last day. Have a great weekend. See you on Monday Mr F Happy Friday!
What a week, inventions, Area and dancing with Pudsey! This week, we have been working on Multiplication and Division in Maths after completing the assessment for Area with pleasing results, in English, we have been writing our end of unit piece based on our text Until I met Dudley, which explores inventions and how they work. In Science, we begun our unit on the Rock Cycle, whilst on Tuesday and Thursday, we enjoyed energetic P.E. sessions, thinking about why raising our heart rate is good for us and the types of exercise we need to do to do this. We also enjoyed an exciting assembly on Thursday with Mr Cutler, thinking about things that matter to us. We finished the week with a day of non-uniform and a dance party with Pudsey for Children in Need. A huge thank you for all your donations for the Christmas Fair and Children in Need. Next week, we are going to be starting a new English text, watch this space for more details, continuing our Maths unit on Multiplication and Division; our Geography unit on Rivers and our Science unit on the Rock Cycle. We will also be cooking on Thursday and possibly Friday, in preparation for the Christmas Fair. This year, we are baking chocolate chip cookies, so please come along and sample the Christmas Elves from Ash class' cooking! Friday 24th November straight after school until 5.00. Please come and support our school. In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum, I have set them 25 minutes worth of TTRS time as home learning. This can be done as a block, or it can be spread across the week, so that the children do 5 minutes a day. I have been really pleased to give out lots of Dojo points to people who have been completing their time! Spellings are out for the test on Monday. There is also a new Wider Curriculum home learning sheet, both on Dojo and the children have a paper copy with them today. There are various activities on this, I will expect the recommended read sheet back next week and one of the other activities (more if you want to) completed by Thursday 14th December. Have a great weekend. See you on Monday Mr F Happy Friday!
It's been a long week. Thank you to all the parents whom I have seen this week, I have seen most of you now, it was really good to further cement those strong home school relationships, so that we can work together to give our children the best possible educational experiences. This week, we have been working on Area in Maths after completing the assessment for Addition and Subtraction with pleasing results, in English, we have begun our new text Until I met Dudley, which explores inventions and how they work. In Science, we begun our unit on the Rock Cycle, whilst on Tuesday and Thursday, we enjoyed energetic P.E. sessions, thinking about why raising our heart rate is good for us and the types of exercise we need to do to do this. We also thought about Remembrance on Thursday during our assembly with Reverend Spence, before this we thought about peace and wrote a class prayer for peace. (See photo) Don't forget, there is a Remembrance Service at St Peter's Church on Sunday, where many of our local community will parade through the streets in recognition of selfless people and their heroic deeds. Next week, we are continuing our new English text, Until I met Dudley, starting a new Maths unit, continuing our Geography unit on Rivers and our Science unit on the Rock Cycle. In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum, I have set them 25 minutes worth of TTRS time as home learning. This can be done as a block, or it can be spread across the week, so that the children do 5 minutes a day. I have been really pleased to give out lots of Dojo points to people who have been completing their time! Spellings are out for the test on Monday. There is also a new Wider Curriculum home learning sheet, both on Dojo and the children have a paper copy with them today. There are various activities on this, I will expect the recommended read sheet back next week and one of the other activities (more if you want to) completed by Thursday 14th December. Have a great weekend, I hope the weather allows you to get out and about. Mr F Happy Friday!
What a week - You've heard of Earth, Wind and Fire, well we've had - Wind, rain and Romans! This week, we have been working on Addition and subtraction in Maths and have completed the unit, in English, we have written our own legends based on the the story of The Mermaid of Zennor. In Science, we continued with our work on States of Matter, thinking this week about temperature and how solids, liquids and gases change. when we heat a solid, liquid or gas. I have received a great array of home learning from our storm day yesterday, thank you to the cookie bakers, they were delicious! (See photos) In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum, I have set them 25 minutes worth of TTRS time as home learning. This can be done as a block, or it can be spread across the week, so that the children do 5 minutes a day. I have been really pleased to give out lots of Dojo points to people who have been completing their time! Spellings will be out again after half term. Next week, we are starting on a new English text, a new Maths unit, a new Geography unit and a new Science unit, which are all going to be very exciting. Parents evenings will be next week, on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th November (3.40-6.30 both evenings), sign up sheets are up to sign up outside the classroom. Alternatively, send me a message vis Dojo to check availability and secure a slot Have a great weekend, I hope the weather is better than today! Mr F |
July 2024
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