Friday Update
The weather has turned colder this week so please remember that children can wear warmer clothes in addition to their school uniform. This could be a long sleeved top under their T-shirt or a warm jumper / hoody to wear on top of their school jumper. We are keeping all windows open for ventilation. In English this week, we have started our new unit based on the book 'Leon and the Place Between'. The children drew some brilliant story maps to learn part of the text. We have now finished our Addition and Subtraction unit in Maths and move onto Length and Perimeter next week. We have learn about the internet in Computing this week, including how search engines work and how to stay safe online. Next week, our wider curriculum subject will be Science, with the topic Sound. This week's spellings: eight, eighth, fruit, learn, length, occasionally, often, perhaps, recent Alternative spellings: any, many, come, some, see Homework: Design and create your own poppy wreath for Remembrance Day on Wednesday 11th November. You can use whatever materials / resourcs you like. Be creative! Have a lovely weekend everyone. Miss Radbourne. Comments are closed.
July 2024
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