What a lovely first week back! The sun has been shining, everyone has been smiling and we've had a great week of learning.
One of the highlights this week was our first swimming lesson at Okehampton pool. The children were confident in the water and I could see progress even from the start of the lesson to the end. Our other PE activity this week was on the field with our new coach Mrs Edwards where we practised throwing and catching skills and then applied this to a game of rounders. Take a look at the pictures below. In English, we are spending a couple of weeks writing persuasive letters. We have looked at some techniques used in persuasive writing such as emotive language, rhetorical questions and speaking directly to the reader. Next week, we will be putting this into practice by writing a letter trying to persuade to cycle to school rather than drive. Our new topic in Maths is 'Money', and this week we have learnt the different values of coins and notes and discussed how to estimate by using rounding. We are learning about the Vikings in History, which leads on nicely from the Anglo-Saxons as they were next to invade Britain! Science holds lots of finding out about 'Adaptations' and how animals and plants cope with their environment. Please could I remind you that children are expected to read daily and record this in their reading folders. They also need to do daily times table and spelling practise too. Have a lovely bank holiday weekend and enjoy the nice weather. Comments are closed.
July 2024
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