It's the end of another week! Once again, the children in Ash Class have worked hard throughout the week in all of their learning. In Maths, they've been learning how to use the column method for subtraction, with and without exchanging. In English, they have written some lovely poems about Autumn. In R.E., they have learnt all about Christianity and the Holy Trinity.
We've been back in school for 7 weeks now and how quickly they seem to have flown by. I'm not setting spellings or homework over half term but please keep reading and playing on Times Table Rockstars (practising them offline too of course). All of the children in Ash Class should be proud of how well they have settled into the new routines and the new school year. Our Year 4 bubble has become one full of smiles and laughter, lots of hard work and plenty of fun. Also lots of hand sanitiser! I hope everyone enjoys a well-earned rest over the half term and I'll see you all back in school on Monday 2nd November ready to start learning again. Best wishes, Miss Radbourne. Comments are closed.
July 2024
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