Well, there was one dry day this week and we managed to make the most of it by taking Science outside. We have been learning about animals so had an invertebrate hunt on the field. The children used classification keys to identify what they found, including ants, worms, slugs, beetles, butterflies and even a centipede (although we didn't count its legs!) We also had a go at making our own classification keys this week.
In Maths, we have started our new topic on 'Time'. The last time the children learnt about time in school was Year 2 (it was an online learning topic in Year 3) so it's especially important they are practising this at home and I have set homework to support this. We've learnt how to tell the time 'to' and 'past' using an analogue clock, digital 12 hour time and digital 24 hour time. The children have worked really hard this week developing our class story 'Cinderella of the Snow'. Their writing has come on in leaps and bounds since the start of the year. We just need to focus on refining it and proofreading thoroughly for spelling and grammar errors. Have a great weekend. Comments are closed.
July 2024
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