It's been a chilly week! The snow was certainly exciting and we enjoyed playing in it at break and lunch on Wednesday.
In English this week, the children have researched their chosen inventors and written their 'Inventors Portfolio'. We have a mixture of people including Steve Jobs (Apple), Karl Benz (the first car) and Mary Anderson (invented windscreen wipers!) Maths has involved plenty of multiplication this week and we have learnt how to use the column method to multiply larger numbers. In Science, we learnt about reflection and refraction. Next week, we will discover how we see and learn about the different parts of the eye. We have discovered lots more about how the Anglo-Saxons lived... including where and how they went to the toilet! This was a particular highlight for some children. I have sent home a letter about the Year 4 Multiplication Check. This also includes the children's log in details for Times Tables Rockstars which is great resource for practising times tables at home. Children need to know their times tables up to 12x12 by the end of year 4 as they are essential for their future learning in Maths. Next week, we've got a great week lined up with our new unit of English focusing on the legend of Beowulf. This will lead into some lovely descriptive writing about monsters and settings. Have a look at our optical illusions art work below. The children worked hard on these and didn't give up despite it being a bit tricky! Comments are closed.
July 2024
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