Happy Friday!
An action packed week of Trees, authors and story writing. This week, we have been working on Place Value in Maths, in English, we are writing our own stories based on the theme of The Fox and the Star, with some pleasing results. In Science, we continued with our work on States of Matter, thinking this week about the structure of a solid, a liquid and a gas. We have worked of body tension and posture in our gymnastics session (see photos). On Wednesday, we enjoyed Music and R.E. sessions with Miss Boyce, we have also enjoyed a workshop with the Devon Wildlife Trust, based on Trees. Following this, we had a fabulous afternoon on Thursday, when we had a workshop with visiting author Leisa Stewart-Sharpe. She was amazing and captivated the children with her story telling. In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum, I have set them 25 minutes worth of TTRS time as home learning. This can be done as a block, or it can be spread across the week, so that the children do 5 minutes a day. Spellings will also start on Monday, so spellings will come with the children to learn. The children have also brought home their Wider Curriculum home learning tonight. Could the children do one activity really well and return it to me after half-term, you can do more if you want to, but i will expect one in. Next week, the children will be having P.E. on Tuesday and Thursday, so send them in, in their P.E kits on both of these days please. We will complete our work on Place Value in Maths, start a new text in English, continue with States of Matter in Science, Romans in History and Drawing in Art. As well as this, on Monday, please send your children in dressed as a scarecrow, or animal and with a donation of food for our Harvest Celebration. You are most welcome to join us for this, in St Peter's Church at 2pm on Monday. On Wednesday, we have individual photographs with Vanessa Perri-Khoo (which was rescheduled, due to the poor weather on Wednesday), so make sure that we're smart. Have a great weekend, see you on Monday. Mr F Comments are closed.
July 2024
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