Happy Friday!
What a week, imagined lands, Fractions and Agility! This week, we have continued our work on Fractions in Maths and have been working on our text Weslandia in English. We have started to work on Agility in our indoor P.E. session and will be working on our Fielding and Striking skills in outdoor P.E. through rounders. We completed our work on Migration and Light and will be starting new topics next week. In art we will link our outcome with our upcoming History topic of Vikings. On Thursday, we were visited by a truly inspiring person - Frank Letch. He is an advocate for people challenging difficulties. The children were genuinely inspired by Frank who has no arms but uses his feet as hands and has developed truly extraordinary skills over his lifetime. The children asked superb questions and gained the clear message from Frank, that you can achieve whatever you set out to do, no matter what challenges you face on the way. Our new topics next week, include Vikings in History, Dragon eyes in art, we are doing some work around Growth, or Positive Mindset in PSHE and will continue our work in R.E. on Pentecost. We also have a very creative Music topic based around imagery and poetry. In terms of home learning, can I remind everybody that the expectation is that children read for at least 10 minutes at home everyday, this can be magazines, newspapers, manuals, cookery books, as well as their reading books, as it is all reading. I would also like children to spend time working on their times tables, which are vital in so many areas of the Maths curriculum, I have set them 25 minutes worth of TTRS time as home learning. This can be done as a block, or it can be spread across the week, so that the children do 5 minutes a day. I have been really pleased to give out lots of Dojo points to people who have been completing their time! I recommended some apps and websites to help with Maths as the Year 4s have a Multiplication Tables Check to do in June: One Minute Maths by White Rose Maths Ten Minute Tables by Dorling Kindersley URBrainy.comMTC for a practise version of the check. White Rose Maths Parent booklets which you can reach through the Maths page of our school website or here: https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/free-downloads Spellings will be out on Monday for the test on Friday. There will be a new TTRS sheet on Monday, some great scores this week in our Soundcheck, so keep practising. With this in mind, try watching the following on Youtube to help learn those vital tables: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p16Szjg59Sg&t=3s Please see Dojo for photographs as I am having technical issues transferring them at the moment! Wider Curriculum Home Learning is out in paper form and will be available here and on Dojo - apologies for the date error on the paper copy, I used the same format and forget to change the hand in date, which will be Thursday 23rd May. Have a great weekend, see you on Monday. Mr F Comments are closed.
July 2024
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