Dear North Tawton Families, It was great to see our children as farmers, sports stars, unicorns, party goers, super heroes, dinosaurs and princesses at school today! As part of our Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted children to be able to express themselves and talk about what makes them feel happy. We have been doing lots of mindfulness activities this week to teach children a range of skills and techniques to have and maintain positive mental health. Choices This week in assembly we thought about our choices. We particularly thought about how we can start our day with a positive mindset. This starts from how we feel when we wake up, our organisation and attitudes when getting ready and how we greet each other at school. We have reflected upon our behaviour expectations to be Ready, Respectful and Safe not just at school, but also at home. In school we are particularly focusing on our readiness for learning. I shared a great quote from the head teacher Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." What time does school start? A number of parents have asked exactly what time does school start. We open the gates and doors at 8.45am. Staff will be in class with morning activities for the children to do as they come in. Registers are taken at 9am and close at 9.05am. We encourage parents to bring children in as early as possible so that they can settle, any messages can be relayed, and lessons can start promptly. Walking in late can be unsettling for children and the smooth start to the day, especially where we have children moving in to group activities. If you are struggling with morning routines, please let us know as we may be able to offer advice or refer to Early Help for support. Gardening Day Thank you so much to all the families who volunteered to join Miss Prince and myself on Saturday for gardening. On Wednesday the weather forecast for tomorrow was rain, rain, rain, so I decided to postpone. It now looks like the weather won’t be so bad after all! Typical! Enjoy the lie in, or go out and enjoy the morning! I'm hoping lots of you can you can make it for Saturday 5th March. Reports and Targets Over the next month, teachers will be compiling assessments in order to give you an end of Spring term report. This report will give effort grades and targets for the core subjects; reading, writing, maths and science. There will be a comment on learning behaviour, friendships and attitudes. At the end of the school year, the final report will show what we have taught in all subjects over the year. There will be an effort, attainment and progress grade for each subject and again a general comment about attitudes to friendships and learning. We hope you find these reports helpful and will welcome feedback. Didi Rugby Please see attached information about Didi Rugby at Zeal Monachorum and Chulmleigh. Click on the posters to find out more: Dates for the Diary
This weekend - North Tawton Art Weekend Monday 14th February – St Valentine’s Day doughnuts after school Friday 18th February 2pm - On Line assembly for families and last day of term Monday 28th February – return to school Saturday 5th March 10am – 2pm Gardening Day With best wishes for the weekend Tara Penny Comments are closed.
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