I am pleased to now be able to share the report from our recent Ofsted inspection with you all. To read the report, please click here.
The first line fills me with joy. To know that children love the school and are as proud of it as I am is music to my ears! As a staff team, we are delighted that the inspector’s findings matched our own assessment of the school. We have a wonderful school of pupils who are ‘keen and enthusiastic learners’ and are ‘well mannered and polite.’ The staff team have worked hard to ensure safeguarding and provision for SEND are of a high standard and that all children are being well cared for. I am particularly pleased that the Inspector saw the work we have done across the school to promote diversity and that children are well prepared for life in modern Britain. We are working hard on making sure all of our subjects, especially history and geography are appropriately challenging for all pupils. I would like to thank all parents for their support during the inspection and throughout the year. We look forward to continuing to work with you and having lots a great events together this year ahead. I am so proud of this school. It’s not just a ‘good’ school, but a great one! Tara Penny Comments are closed.
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