Dear North Tawton Friends and Families, This is a very short term; I can’t believe that next week is the last before the holiday! As always, there is a lot to learn and accomplish so staff and children are working hard. Year 2 have started their Standard Assessment Tasks (SATS) These are tests which we administer in school and use to inform an assessment of their understanding in reading and maths. I have been really impressed with their hard work and attitude. Keep up the hard work Year 2! Base Curriculum As I have explained before, each class teacher has a curriculum responsibility across the school. This term there has been a lot of work across the Trust developing our history, geography, and science curriculum. Miss Radbourne and Mrs Budiman have been working with colleagues from other schools in the Trust and national specialists to develop our own Dartmoor Trust Base curriculum. They have both worked incredibly hard over the year and we are very proud of our ambitious and progressive curriculum. As always, do look at the class blogs to see what each class have been learning this week. Behaviour Behaviour at our school is very good. As I walk around the school each day, I see children in class focused on their learning and being collaborative and cooperative with their peers. Like every inclusive community school, we have a few children who have plans in place to support their behaviour development. These children are supported by staff working with our SENDCO to make sure they are accessing the curriculum and making progress with specific strategies in place. This may be shorter session in class, movement breaks, 1:1 work or adapted timetables. These children are closely monitored, parents are involved in their plans and are making great progress. I am always proud to show Trust staff and prospective parents around our school as I know the children will be engaged and enjoying their learning. Over the past three weeks, we have had a few incidents of name calling and rough play between a group of KS2 children at playtime. These incidents are always followed up immediately by staff with appropriate consequences and parents are informed. I will be monitoring this closely as this needs to stop. Please support the school expectations by not allowing name calling and rough play outside school and reminding children to talk to us about issues so we can support them. Thank You! FONTS On Tuesday, a team of brave parents joined me in sorting out the resources in the FONTS cupboard. This is a storage area which goes on and on under the school! We emptied the cupboard and sorted through Christmas decorations, summer fayre games, art and crafts and some old school technology. There are a lot of great resources which needed a dust down, and equally a lot which needed to be thrown. A huge thank you to Katie Hillier, Kate Keast, Laura Dennis and Danielle Dale for the time and good humour as we sorted through the dark and musty cupboard and got soaked on our trips to the skip! Benches The children are loving the new picnic benches! A huge Thank You to R L Taylor and West Devon Fire Protection for sponsoring two of these for us. We would love more, so if you know a company who would like to sponsor a bench, please let FONTS know! Volunteers
If you would like to volunteer at school, we would really appreciate your support! Do you have a few hours a week to support with reading, gardening, running a club, or going on a trip? We will need to apply for an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS) The certificate will contain details of convictions and conditional cautions. The school will organise this with you as we will need identification and your permission to see this record. You will also need to attend a school safeguarding and code of conduct training session so that you know our procedures to ensure chid safety. More information and applications are available from the office. Breakfast Club and After School Clubs A number of parents have asked why we do not have a breakfast club in the morning, and why we do not have provision in school until 6pm. I know that this is something the school did provide in the past, but due to lack of take up, both became unfeasible. Please see your email for a questionnaire so I can assess what the need is now, and if we can make this a financially viable provision in the future. Many thanks Next week Year 2 continue their Standard Assessment Tasks (SATS) On Monday FONTS are meeting at school to plan the summer fayre. We have a storyteller visiting classes to enhance the history curriculum. We are hosting interviews for a Trust wide chaplain next Friday, so will not have a parent assembly, so look out for a class video update on Dojo next week! And please dress up on Friday for the (early) Jubilee! Children can wear red, white or blue, be a prince or princess, or wear fancy celebration clothes. More details from FONTS to follow. I will of course use this as an excuse to wear my tiara! Looking Forward After half term we have a lot of events to look forward to including our Festival of Hope. Week of 20th June Y6 Activity Week Tuesday 28th June 5 – 6pm Community Forum Thursday 30th June Y6 induction day at Okehampton College Friday 1st July Rainbow Day – a celebration of inclusion Week of 4th July Festival of Hope – more details after half term Thursday 7th July Sports day Friday 8th July Music Concert Saturday 9th July Summer Fayre Friday 22nd July Farewell Assembly With very best wishes Tara Penny Comments are closed.
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