Dear Parent / Carer,
We wrote to you yesterday about delaying the start of term until Thursday. I am sorry to be writing to you again so soon on this subject. However, as you may have seen, the Prime Minister has last evening announced a new national lockdown because of rising infection rates of Covid-19 and to try to prevent the further spread of the virus. As part of this, all primary schools, secondary schools and colleges in England, including our school, North Tawton Primary, are to be closed from today until at least the end of half term in February, except for children of key workers or vulnerable children. From today: If you or your partner is a key worker, or if your child is classed as vulnerable, then the school will remain open, as now, and we look forward to seeing them in school today and beyond as normal for teaching and learning. If you are a critical worker and have not completed the survey issued yesterday evening, please let us know. As you know, we have worked incredibly hard since the start of the pandemic in March to keep our school as safe as possible, and I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some of the safety measures in place at our school: o Everyone is expected to remain in their allocated bubbles o Students are encouraged to wash their hands regularly throughout the day Please note we are trying to work with windows open in classrooms for ventilation. As the cold days have returned, and with the need for ventilation in mind, pupils may need a few more layers of clothing, such as sweatshirts, tights or leggings underneath skirts or plain fleeces without a hood or large brand logos. We would like the children to come in school uniform for their sessions and arrive at their usual time slots from last term. They will either need to bring a packed lunch or will be given a school packed lunch. For all other pupils, our school is closed until at least the end of the February half-term. High-quality remote learning will be provided to make sure they continue to receive a consistent education. We know that this places pressure on you at a difficult time but your support in helping your child engage with the remote learning packs as much as possible is so important and we are very grateful for it. Teachers will be contacting you via class blogs and Class Dojo with details of the learning for each day. There is a high expectation that all children will complete home learning tasks, attend live lessons and submit work back to teachers for feedback. We will continue to stay in touch with you on this matter, and about your child’s education. However, if you have any questions, or if you require any support relating to these new arrangements, please email [email protected] I would once again like to take this opportunity to thank you wholeheartedly for your understanding and ongoing support in helping us to manage this unprecedented situation. Please continue to take care and to stay safe. Yours sincerely, Elizabeth Underwood and Sunita Chauhan Executive Headteacher Head of School Comments are closed.
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