Thank you so much for all of your Christmas card orders, what wonderful artists we have in the school. We will update you about delivery as soon as we can.
Please look out for the Christmas wreath competition letter. This is a lovely festive activity for the children to take part in, so make sure you get your order slips and £1 in by next Wednesday, 17th November. The Virtual Christmas market is on!! Please take a look, we have lots of lovely stalls with a variety of goodies on offer, you won’t be disappointed. Please look on Dojo or Facebook for posts and links or search ‘FONTS virtual Christmas market’ and start your shopping from the comfort of your own home. Don’t forget to get your raffle tickets too. There are some amazing, generous prizes up for grabs from the stall holders. £1 a ticket, all proceeds go straight to FONTS. email [email protected] to be part of the fun 🤞🎅 Thank you FONTS committee Email [email protected] Or message FONTS on Class Dojo Comments are closed.
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