Refer to the SEN Policy and the SEND Report on the School Website for full details of how we are able to fully support children with Special Educational Needs. Children are considered to have special needs if their education cannot be met within the normal range of classroom activity. That is, for example, when they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age, they have a disability which either prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities provided. Children who are especially gifted in an area of learning are also included within this section. The procedures for identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs are specified in a Code of Practice issued by the Department for Education and Employment. The school makes every effort to identify as early as possible any child who may be experiencing difficulty acquiring basic skills and if insufficient progress is being made within the classroom, the class teacher and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) will agree an appropriate course of action. Individual programmes of work, using appropriate schemes and materials, will be introduced by the class teacher, supported by the SENCO.
Gifted and talented children are also identified as early as possible so that we can meet their needs. They are given additional support within the class and access to clubs and other workshops are made available either locally or elsewhere in Devon. Their specific needs will be reviewed with their parents at a meeting. Children with disabilities are encouraged to attend our school and the main buildings are equipped with a lift, disabled ramps and hand rails. We are also fortunate in having a disabled toilet and shower. Please refer to the Accessibility Policy for further details. If you have a child requiring different forms of access to enable us to meet his/her needs we would be grateful if you could contact the school as soon as possible, before your child starts their learning with us. We are able to provide additional support for such children, however we usually require advance notice, to ensure support can be put in place before the child starts school. |