Welcome to our weekly blog.
This week we have started our new unit on the three little pigs based on a guardian advert. It is based on the traditional tale with some alternative twists. We have been writing news reports and closing statements for court cases for the three little pigs. In maths we have started our unit on fractions, decimals and percentages. Yesterday we focused on what a percentage is and what that means. Today due to lots of illness in class we spent the lesson working on Sats questions on topics we have already completed. In history this week we looked at the story of Rosa Parks and how she made history within the American Civil Rights. We also researched about the Bristol Bus Boycott which is a more local example of black people standing up for their rights in the 1960s. In PE this week they have been playing lots of bench ball due to the weather. In science this week we explored what thermal equilibrium meant. We thought of our own examples such as a hand heating up the ice cream in a cone and causing it to melt. I hope next week will be back to normal with less bugs going around. I hope those have been off are feeling better soon! Please don’t forget homework for Monday. Have a lovely weekend 😊 Hello and welcome to our blog.
This week have been busy being authors, mathematicians, historians, game designers and scientists. In English this week we have been planning and writing our own ending to the story of the Wind in the Wall. We have been focusing on writing in the gothic genre and using lots of different figurative language techniques. The children have produced some excellent writing this week and should be very proud. In maths this week we have been continuing and finishing our unit on decimals. WE have been looking at how to multiply and divide decimals and how to complete decimal word problems. Next week we will start the next unit on fractions, decimals and percentages. In history we continued looking at 1950’s America and the civil rights movement. We spent the lesson understanding what education looked like back then. We soon learnt how unfair it was for black children compared to white children. In computing we have started to become game designers. We have started to design and create our own catching game using scratch. We will be continuing with this over the next few computing lessons. In science we continued to look at heat. We investigated what happens to each of the states of matter when they are heated. We had fun acting out these in small groups. On Thursday evening there was a meeting all about SATs and how to prepare. I have attached the PowerPoint to class dojo for anyone who was unable to attend. Please let me know if you have any questions. This afternoon, we have started the talent show auditions which have been great! I hope you have a lovely weekend! Happy Friday!
We have had a super busy week with our practice SATS and I am very proud of them all as they have tried their best! We still have plenty of time until the real tests so there is lots of time for revision and further practice. In maths this week, we have continued our decimals unit looking at rounding, adding and subtracting and multiplying decimals. We will be continuing with this next week and finishing this unit. We started our new history unit on American Civil Rights by looking at what America was like in 1950. We discussed what the American Dream was like and how life was very different for black people. We will continue with this next week. On Thursday we started our new unit on heat. We spent the lesson focusing on what happens to particles when they are heated and cooled. Next week , we will back to normal with lessons. Have a lovely weekend :) Welcome to the first blog of 2025 and happy new year.
It has been a slightly bizarre week this week with inset day on Monday and snow on Wednesday and ice on Thursday. This week we have started our new book in English – The Wind in the Wall which is a gothic horror novel. On Tuesday we spent time making predictions of the story using the front cover. We have since started reading the story and have focused on the figurative language in the story. In maths we have started our new unit of decimals recapping our knowledge on place value with numbers with multiple decimal places. We will continue with this next week. We have started our new computing unit on Thursday of programming in games. We have been working on our skills in scratch and they are all definitely a lot more skilled with scratch then me! Today we have started our art unit by focusing on the artist of David Hockney and exploring his artwork. Next week we have our next round of mock SATS so we will be busy completing those and making ourselves more confident with the test and the format. Have a lovely weekend 😊 |
AuthorWelcome to the blog of Sycamore Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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