Dear North Tawton Families and Friends, Staffing News Jess Nuthall will be leaving at half term for a new post. We will be very sad to see her leave and I know you will join me in thanking her for being a great class teacher and wish her all the very best in her new role. Chloe Brooking will be Willow Class teacher on Mondays and Tuesdays and will be taking classes across the school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am delighted to announce that we will have three other new staff joining us shortly. Jenny Dunster will be joining our mealtime staff team, May Whybrow will be joining Karen and Kath as a Nursery Teaching Assistant and Amelia Nye will be supporting children as a Teaching Assistant. Talent Show Talent Show auditions are being held over the next two weeks. Please support your children to come along and have a go! Finalists will be announced on Friday 7th February. The show will be at 2pm on Friday 14th February. Please come along and support our shining stars! Class News To find out what we have been learning, please click on the links to our latest class blogs: Sycamore Class Hazel Class Willow Class Beech Class Chestnut Class Acorn Class Parents – please make sure you are signed up to Dojo as this is where we post information about class and school events. Attendance Update When children are away from school, whether authorised or not, letters are sent to parents to invite them to a meeting to discuss reasons for absence. These meetings have been helpful to enable us to work together to identify barriers and plan for improved attendance in the future.
Burns Night On Saturday, I will be celebrating Burns Night. This is a Scottish tradition where we celebrate Robert Burns, a Scottish poet, on his birthday. The Selkirk Grace is a prayer written by Robert Burns which is shared on Burns Night to remind us to be thankful for the things we have. Some hae meat and canna eat, And some wad eat that want it, But we hae meat and we can eat, Sae let the Lord be Thankit! Which translates as: Some have more than they need, Some have very little We have just what we need Thank you, God! Wishing you all very good health, or as they say in Scottish Gaelic ‘Slàinte mhath,’ pronounced Slanj-a-va! Tara Penny Principal Comments are closed.
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