Dear North Tawton Families and Friends, What a busy festive December we have had at North Tawton! Santa Dash We started the month with our Friends of North Tawton School Santa Dash. Great fun and got us in the Christmas spirit! Thank you to all who took part and to our FONTS for organising. Special thanks to Evie Compton for making this happen for the second year. Sixty took part in Friends of North Tawton School Santa Dash | Lights on at North Tawton North Tawton Town looks amazing with the Christmas Tree in the square and the new Christmas lights. Thank you to all who came and sang with the choir at the grand turning on of the lights. Crowd counted down for lights switch on at North Tawton | Pantomime Trip A huge thank you to Miss Collins and Miss Ruby for organising for Chestnut, Beech, Willow, Hazel and Sycamore classes to see Cinderella at Exeter Northcott Theatre. This trip was subsidised by FONTS donations and school performance ticket sales. Christmas Lunch Once again, Mandy and Nicky cooked a delicious Christmas lunch for us. Turkey and veggie roast, with all the traditional trimmings. My favourite meal of the year! Thank you to FONTS for the crackers. Our school dinners really are tasty- I have at least two each week! Christingle Year Six led a very moving and meaningful Christingle at St Peter’s Church. They read the Nativity and explained the meaning of a Christingle. They sang beautifully and paraded their own Christingles. Nursery Christmas Celebration Our Nursery children were very brave and put on a Christmas Celebration show for their families. They showed their nativity pictures, shared a Christmas story, sang songs, and showed us Makaton signs too. Families then enjoyed hot chocolate and mince pies. Christmas Market We had a change of location for our FONTS Christmas market this year. Instead of being at the school, we held the stalls at the church. Please let us know what you thought. FONTS and the school are always trying to improve our events and make them more accessible. St Peter’s Church Carol Service The evening Carol Service is quite a formal affair. Very well done to the children who attended and a special than you to our small choir who sang Silent Night. The adult choir were very impressed! Carol Concert at school The carol concert at school was very well attended by families, thank you for coming and joining in! We enjoyed singing some of our favourite traditional carols as well as some Christmas songs including our school favourite - Dominik The Donkey! A Bundle of Joy Well done to Beech and Chestnut children and staff for putting on a fantastic Nativity. They sang beautifully, acted brilliantly and remembered their cues. The hard work from the adults at school and home as well as the children really paid off. Thank you! We have also done lots of work between the festivities! To find out what we have been learning, please click on the links to our latest class blogs: Sycamore Class Hazel Class Willow Class Beech Class Chestnut Class Acorn Class Parents – please make sure you are signed up to Dojo as this is where we post class and event information. Attendance this Term: 94.74% Beech and Hazel are improving, but Sycamore is still in the lead! 18 children received certificates for 100% attendance in assembly today. A Fond Farewell to Mrs Budiman, Mrs Ware Miss Ruby and Mrs Curnow Clark Please join us in thanking Mrs Budiman, Mrs Ware, Miss Ruby and Mrs Curnow Clark for all of the hard work they have given to our school and community. We wish them all the very best. And welcome! To Miss Warwick who will be teaching Chestnut Class and to Mrs Hamilton who will be teaching Beech Class. A message from Miss Florence Warwick: Hello families, I am beyond excited to be teaching in Chestnut Class in January. I have been working in Nursery for over a year and have loved getting to know the children, team and school and using this to now begin my teaching career. I know the children in Chestnut class well from their time in Nursery and Reception last year but have also spent time reacquainting myself with all the class over the last few weeks and preparing for January which has been a privilege. I hope to make the transition and change as positive as possible, and I look forward to seeing everyone in the new year. A message from Mrs Rebecca Hamilton: I am excited to be taking over as the teacher for Beech class in January. My background is that after studying for an English language and literature degree, I spent a number of years teaching English in France. Since moving back to England, I have also taught in primary schools in Devon. As a teacher, I enjoy teaching every subject across the curriculum. However, I am particularly looking forward to teaching English, sharing my passion for stories and finding out about all the books your children love to read. In January, I will be building on the fantastic work the children have already started this term. I will also be keeping you updated about what we will be learning. I look forward to getting to know you and your child. We are also excited to welcome Mrs Jenny Dunster who will be joining our meal time assistant team and Mrs Chloe Ashford who will be joining as a teaching assistant. Look after yourself, and each other I saw these on Facebook this week and thought it was a good reminder for us all to look after ourselves and each other at this time of year: I find this prayer by Robert Louis Stevenson very helpful at this time of year
Help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen. I wish every member of our North Tawton Community a very gentle holiday period. Buon Natale Веселого Різдва Wesołych Świąt Kisimusi yakanaka Nadolig Llawen Joyeux noël Tara Penny Principal Upcoming Dates: January Tuesday 7th January – Back to School Wednesday 8th January at 5.30pm - Y6 Residential Parent meeting at North Tawton |
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