Happy Friday!
This week, we have been exploring the Golden Age in the Benin Kingdom, adding and subtracting and writing a precis of our English text - Firebird. This week, we have continued our unit on addition and subtraction in Maths, focusing on our knowledge of efficient methods and rounding to estimate. In English, we have continued to study our new text Firebird, which is based on a traditional Russian tale. (See link on Dojo for the story, if you want to share it at home.) This week, we have explored adverbials of place, manner and time and have written our own summary of the story, using fronted adverbials as sentence starters. In Science we worked on separating mixtures into pure substances, we thought about what a solute, solvent and solution are and what the words soluble and insoluble mean. History saw us thinking about the Golden Age in the Benin Kingdom - and why the kingdom was prosperous. In P.E. we have continued to work on teamwork and fitness in one session and due to the weather, we brushed up on our gymnastic skills in the other, with our Saints South West coach. The children have also been thinking about Teamwork in PSHE this afternoon with Miss Penny and what it means to be a part of an effective team. An upcoming event for the year 5s is Bikeability (cycling proficiency). This will take place during the week beginning Monday 11th November. The letter will come out next week but the consent form for this is available through the link below. If you wish your child to take part (it's free of charge and teaches them a valuable life skill) you will need to complete the consent form by 1st November at the latest. https://forms.gle/gATE2GV9PLX2xb7n8 Next week, we will complete our English text Firebird. We will continue our work on Addition and Subtraction in Maths, explore the society of the Benin Kingdom in History and investigate Separating mixtures in Science. P.E. will continue to be on Tuesday and Friday for this half term so please send the children in with their kits on these days. After half term, this will change to Thursdays and Fridays. Finally, the children will come home with their homework books today. In these there are spellings for this week, Maths questions based on what we have been doing in class and a topic homework with a choice of activities. Please could the book come back in on Thursday next week for marking and so that the children can add next week's home learning. So far this term, the response to home learning has been very positive and it really does help to reinforce the learning that the children undertake during the school day. Remember the topic home learning needs to be in by Monday 4th November at the latest, that's the Monday after half term. Next week, we have a few exciting events. On Thursday afternoon, we will be going to St Peter's Church to celebrate Harvest and then if you are able to, there is an opportunity to come and share your children's books and learning afterwards. Friday sees us celebrating TTRS and dressing up as Rock stars to celebrate times tables and number. Have a great weekend everybody, see you on Monday. Mr Foreman Comments are closed.
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February 2025
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