Happy Friday and Happy Christmas!
We have had a very busy week this week of multiplication and division, Christmas activities and alternative endings! This week, we have been working on our English text The Sleeper and the Spindle. We have been writing fairy tales with an alternative/twist ending. Maths has seen us working on multiples of numbers. We have explored multiples of 7 and square and cube numbers We have used the language: Product Multiples, Quotient, Array, Divisor, prime number, Composite number, square number, array, cubed number and have made generalisations about what we have noticed in the tables that we have explored. We ended by completing our end of unit assessments and demonstrating our progress. In Science we explored how the Rock Cycle works as a cycle and looked at the role that a geologist has. On Wednesday, the class had their last ever session with Mrs Ware, who we wish well in her new adventures. They had a Christmas themed day, with quizzes and activities for the festive season. On Thursday, we had the Carol singalong in the hall that was well attended by parents, thank you if you joined us, it put me in the Christmas spirit. Finally, today, we had a Christmas games day, we played some games and enjoyed a film or some further time to play games or do some Christmas crafting. We will return on Tuesday 7th January. Have a great Christmas period and a happy new year when we get to 2025! Jason Foreman Happy Friday!
A week of Panto, Christmas Pud and Cookies! This week, we have been working on our English text The Sleeper and the Spindle. We have explored modal verbs, ambitious vocabulary and character descriptions. Maths has seen us working on multiples of numbers. We have explored multiples of 7 and square and cube numbers We have used the language: Product Multiples, Quotient, Array, Divisor, prime number, Composite number, square number, array, cubed number and have made generalisations about what we have noticed in the tables that we have explored. In Science we explored how metamorphic rocks are formed. P.E has seen us developing our Tag Rugby skills, we have worked on small game based situations this week. On Wednesday, we created delicious chocolate chip cookies for the Christmas Fair (see photos). The children have all sampled their work and the rest will be on sale at the Christmas Fair. Yesterday, we were able to enjoy the Christingle service in St Peter's Church, next year, it will be year 5's turn to lead it when they become year 6s! Next week, sees us continuing to read and write, using our text The Sleeper and the Spindle as inspiration. We will complete our unit on Multiplication and Division in Maths and will explore Rocks in Science. We'll also continue work on Informal settlements in Geography and work on our Rugby skills, through game situations . On Friday next week, we will be having a Christmas games day, we will play some games and in the afternoon, have the choice of a film or some further time to play games or do some Christmas crafting. Children are welcome to bring along snacks and I will provide squash. Please remember, we are a (nut free) no nuts school, so no nut based snacks and due to allergies in the class, no lentils either thank you. We will also be having a Carols sing along in the school hall on Thursday at 10.00, please join us if you can. P.E. will be on Thursday next week, so please send the children in with their kits on on Thursday. Finally, the children will come home with their homework books today. In these there are spellings for this week, Maths questions based on what we have been doing in class and a topic homework with a choice of activities. Please could the book come back in on Thursday next week for marking and so that the children can add next week's home learning. So far this term, the response to home learning has been very positive and it really does help to reinforce the learning that the children undertake during the school day. Topic home learning is due in on Thursday next week, or before if it is ready. Have a great weekend everybody, see you on Monday. Jason Foreman Happy Friday! A week of Factors, Dwarves and informal Settlements. This week, we have been working on our English text The Sleeper and the Spindle. We have explored direct speech, the use of relative clauses and using antonyms. Maths has seen us working on multiples of numbers. We have explored multiples of 3, 6 and 9 and what common multiples and factors are. We have used the language: Product Multiples, Quotient, Array, Divisor, prime number, Composite number and have made generalisations about what we have noticed in the tables that we have explored. In Science we explored how metamorphic rocks are formed. P.E has seen us developing our Tag Rugby skills, we have worked on small game based situations this week. Next week, sees us continuing to read and write, using our text The Sleeper and the Spindle as inspiration. We continue to explore Multiplication and Division in Maths and will explore Rocks in Science. We'll also continue work on Informal settlements in Geography and work on our Rugby skills, through game situations . A very exciting whole school event is taking place on Monday. We will be going to the Northcott Theatre in Exeter to see a Pantomime. This is a great opportunity for the children to experience live theatre and I'm really looking forward to it and I know that the children are too. Remember, this means meeting at the Rugby Club at 8.45, rather than at school, so that it is easier for the coaches. Pick up will be from school at the normal time, please ensure that the children have a packed lunch with them. Further details are available on Class Dojo. It is also Christmas Dinner day on Wednesday 11th, so wear your Christmas Jumper on Wednesday! P.E. will be on Thursday and Friday for this half term until Christmas, so please send the children in with their kits on these days. Finally, the children will come home with their homework books today. In these there are spellings for this week, Maths questions based on what we have been doing in class and a topic homework with a choice of activities. Please could the book come back in on Thursday next week for marking and so that the children can add next week's home learning. So far this term, the response to home learning has been very positive and it really does help to reinforce the learning that the children undertake during the school day. New topic home learning is in there, as well as on Class Dojo. Have a great weekend everybody, see you on Monday at the Rugby Club! Jason Foreman |
AuthorWelcome to the blog for Hazel Class at North Tawton Primary School Archives
February 2025
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