Year one started a new unit in Literacy on Monday. This unit explores the story Stanley's Stick by John Hegley. Stanley's stick is not just a stick. With a stick in hand, Stanley's options are endless - he flies to the moon, writes in the sand, goes fishing, plays a whistle and rides a dinosaur - and his imagination takes over and the magic begins. Inspired by Stanley, we went out to find a stick to use our imagination and make our stick be whatever we wanted it to be! After reading the story as a class and writing their own alternative ending, children have worked in groups to sequence key events in the story and retell key scenes by creating picture captions. Finally, children will go on to plan and write their own version of Stanley’s Stick in past tense using their own object. Reception had fun in Drawing Club with the old cartoon favourite Trapdoor. They explored the vocabulary and created their own versions of the characters and settings before drawing their own monsters that might come out of the trapdoor! Year one have continued learning about place value in maths this week focussing on more and fewer and greater than and less than, and comparing numbers. We have spent most of the week introducing and getting to know the greater, less than and equal symbols and we are pleased to say that by today they were really getting in the swing of it. A good way to remember what symbol means what, is the greedy crocodile eats the greater number...meaning the greater number goes at the bigger/open end of the symbol and the number that is less goes to the smallest point of the symbol. Lots of photos in books and a pic collage here! Wider curriculum On Monday afternoon we learnt about Marie Curie in history another great scientist from the past. The children learnt how she discovered a treatment for serious illnesses which helped people all over the world. We also learnt that her work led to the development of X-Rays and the children were keen to share if they or someone they know, had had an X-Ray. Year one went on to draw and describe what they would like to discover to help the world. On Tuesday the children enjoyed their sessions with our Saints' coach. Their outdoor sessions are focussed on multi-skills. On Wednesday afternoon in D.T we learnt about mechanisms, levers, linkages and pivots. We found them in everyday objects such as door handles, scissors, toy cars and staplers and then we found them in pictures. After this we looks at a special moving monster the children are going to create with pivots and levers and had a go at designing one. We then spent time as a whole class discussing listening. What makes a good listener, how can we show we are listening, and what happens if we don't listen. On Thursday afternoon in Science we all learnt about day and night and why this happens. We watched a video clip, looked at some pictures and then experimented with blow up globes and our own torches. We then drew our own diagrams and our own day and night pictures. We learnt it takes 24 hours for the Earth to spin in one rotation, making one whole day! After this we then continued to learn about the Muslim faith of Islam. We reminded ourselves about Allah and then watched a video about a young girl telling us about the five pillars of Islam. We discussed how pillars are strong and what happens if they weren't there and then added an action to each pillar to remind our selves. On Friday afternoon we had our next P.E session with our SAINTs coach. After P.E we had a bit of independent learning time for being so focused all week. Reception parents- phonics sheets in book bags and links to sounds learnt this week on Class Dojo. Year 1 parents- maths homework, spelling and reading due in on Monday. Thank you Mrs Ware and Miss Ruby Comments are closed.
November 2024
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