Half term is here! Can you believe we have been back to school for almost 8 full weeks? We can't... but we can tell everyone is ready for a nice autumn break! The children have all done well settling into their new routines. These have become well established and the children know the expectations, routines and rules.
Our learning this week has been focused on bringing our various topics to an end. In History, the children drew and wrote about their favourite scientist/engineer. In DT, the children evaluated their moving monster design. In Science, the children recapped their learning all about light. in R.E, we took part in our Harvest Festival. In P.E the children came to the end of learning how to use the space in the playground and evade a member of the opposing team by playing chasing games. In English we all took part in reading 'Room on the Broom', designing new broomsticks and new animals to ride on it. In maths we all continued with counting, subitising numbers and using a system to work out number bonds! Thank you for the kind donations for the Harvest Festival and for the FONTS Christmas Hampers. Also a huge thank you to those of you who managed to pop in and share the children's learning by looking at books but also joining in with Rockstars Day! The children were excellent in the Church on Thursday and I was really impressed with their behaviour. Well done Chestnut Class. We will be in touch soon, with next half term's topics/learning as we enter; perhaps one of the busiest and exciting times of the year! The countdown to Christmas and all that comes with it! Happy Half Term everyone. Rest up, get some autumn sunshine, and enjoy some slower, cosy mornings together! Comments are closed.
February 2025
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